
Nebiat Assefa

Video journalist and documentary filmmaker


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Latest Work

Frankincense and myrrh are perhaps best known for their biblical connotations. But this tree sap has been prized across the world for over 6,000 years. These fragrant incense pieces come from the Burseraceae family of trees and are found across the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. But despite recent attempts to protect these trees, they could soon be headed for extinction. So what makes frankincense and myrrh so expensive?

TWAS funding has been supporting scholars all over the world who work in developing countries. Among them Prf. Yalemtsehay Mekoneen and Dr. Girum Ayalneh from Addis Ababa University are a good example how the TWAS fund changed their scholar trajectory.

An invasive plant is spreading across Ethiopia's largest lake. This film takes you to the frontline of this environmental catastrophe and how the community is working to stop this plant and save the lake.